We are committed to helping protect our community and environment. One way we demonstrate this commitment is through our prescription drug disposal program. Often unused medications are thrown in the trash or flushed down the toilet, enabling the medical components of these products to enter our environment or water supply. In addition, some medicines may be especially harmful if digested accidentally or for illicit use. Because of this, some medications have special disposal directions that indicate if the leftover prescription products should be flushed down the sink or toilet. For information on drugs that should be flushed visit the FDA’s website.
To assist in the environmentally and socially responsible disposal of prescription drugs, you may return your unused medications at Addison Pharmacy.
- Products in their original prescription packaging
- Pills, tablets and capsules
- Creams, ointments, lotions and powders
- Inhalers and nebulizer solutions
- Liquid medicines ≤ 4 oz
Don’t Bring
- Controlled substances (ie: Adderall, Vicodin, Demerol, Hydracodone, MS Cotin, etc.)
- Sharps (ie: syringes, lancets, etc.)
- Liquid medicines ≥ 4 oz
- Thermometers
- Home based care or durable medical equipment (ie: rubbing alcohol, hydrogen peroxide, etc.)
If you cannot bring your medication to Addison Pharmacy for safe disposal, follow any specific disposal instructions that accompany the medication. Do not flush prescription drugs down the toilet unless the disposal directions expressly indicate. Follow these simple tips to protect yourself and your family:
- Put the medication in a sealed bag, empty can or other container to prevent leakage.
- Mix unused medications with an undesirable substance, such as coffee grounds or kitty litter to make it less appealing to children, pets and individuals intentionally seeking disposed pharmaceuticals.
- Scratch out all significant information on the medicine label to protect your identity and the privacy of your personal health information.